مطالعه کتاب The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam
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The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam


Authors(s): Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

Translator(s): John Cooper

Category: Islamic Laws

Journal: Vol. 10, No. 1

Topic Tags: Islamic fiqh Islamic Jurisprudence




Brief biography of Ayatullah Mutahhari, definition, types, permissibility and history of Ijtihad, Akhbarism, and Taqlid.

The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam


(Translated by John Cooper. This translation was carried out during the period of tenure of a Fellowship of the British Institute of Persian Studies, for which the translator would like to express his gratitude.)

The article hereunder translated into English, first appeared in the collection “Bahthi dar bara­yi Marja`iyat wa Ruhaniyat” (1), which was reviewed by Lambton(2). This volume contained essays by figures that were then prominent in the anjumanha­yi islami, an organization of groups with a religiously educated leadership concerned to initiate public debate of, and interest in, Islamic solutions to contemporary political, economic and social problems.

The occasion for the publication of this volume was the death of the marja` al­taqlid of his time, Ayatullah Burujirdi, in 1961, and the discussions contained therein dealt with various aspects of taqlid and the religious institutions. Summaries and discussion of the articles will be found in Lambton.

Most of the authors subsequently became leading names in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Mahdi Bazargan, who had had both a religious and a secular education and had been influential among the younger generation as a professor at the University of Tehran and later as a politician, became the first Prime Minister of the new Islamic Republic's provisional government.

Ayatullah Taliqani was an active

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1- Tehran, 1962.
2- Lambton, A.K.S., 'A reconsideration of the position of the marja` taqlid and the religious institution., Studia Islamica, XX (1964), 115­135. (See also, al­Serat, Vol Vll, No. 1 (1981), p. 12­27)
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